Online Crash Course in Proteomics: From Sample to Meaningful Data
Mai 9, 2022, 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Mass spectrometry-based proteomics is essential for many neuroscience projects and enables unprecedented quantification of up to 10,000 proteins or more in cell lines, primary cells, tissues, and organisms with state of the art instrumentation and sample preparation.
Organisiert durch: Stefan Lichtenthaler and Christian Behrends
French-German fall school for young scientists: MICROTUBULES IN NEURONS
Oktober 24-29, 2021
Regulation of microtubules in neuronal homeostasis.
Organisiert durch: Monika Brill, Magda Magiera
Bio-Image Analysis
Oktober 17-18, 2019
This workshop offers an introduction to digital images and image analysis software, most common needs in Bio-Image analysis and basic operations performed with ImageJ / FIJJ software.
Organisiert durch: Ioannis Alexopoulos, Mar Bosch Queralt
Introduction to Scientific Programming with Python
Juni 4-7, 2019
In this workshop, we cover the basics of the Python programming language and some of its scientific library in order to enable students to conduct data analysis, focusing techniques for performing essential data analysis steps using real-life problems that the practicing scientist regularly encounters in his/her work. Libraries covered will be NumPy, MatPlotLib, Pandas, Seaborn, and Scipy-Stats. Students will learn to write their own functions, scripts, and Jupyter Notebooks. While this is an intensive course, no programming, math, or statistics knowledge is required.
Organisiert durch: Christine Schlosser
Graphic Design for Scientists
Mai 16-17, 2019
As scientists we often have to communicate our data and results in presentations, papers, thesis, and grant applications. The workshop “Graphic Design for Scientists” will help you design complex figures by using more than just the standard software and present results more understandably.
Organisiert durch: Charlotte Spitz
ELSC International School in "In-vivo Intracellular Recordings"
August 6-18, 2017, in Eilat, Israel
Organisiert durch: Yosi Yarom (Hebrew University), Ilan Lampl (Weizmann Institute), Mickey London (Hebrew University), Arthur Konnerth (TUM)
Tissue Clearing Workshop
Juli 24-27, 2017
The workshop demonstrates:
- 3DISCO and uDISCO clearing of organs, rodents and large human tissues
- Imaging of entire organs and rodents with light-sheet microscope
- Advantages of DISCO clearing in your research
- iDISCO antibody labeling of organs for 3D imaging
- How to optimize clearing in your particular tissue of interest and application
- 3D analysis of the large data from light-sheet scans
- Demo: light-sheet microscopy by Lavision BioTec and ZEISS
- Demo: 3D image analysis software by FEI (Amira), Bitplane (Imaris) and MBF bioscience (Neurolucida), Arivis (immersive view with 3D glasses)
Organisiert durch: Ertürk lab
Miniscope Munich 2017
Mai 22-23, 2017
Miniscope is a 1-photon fluorescence microscope designed in the labs of Peyman Golshani and Alcino Silva (UCLA). A group of developers from UCLA will lead a Miniscope workshop at the Biocentrum in the Martinsried Campus LMU.
Organized by: Anton Sirota
Tissue Clearing Workshop
Juli 18-22, 2016
The workshop demonstrates:
- Clearing of entire rodent organs and large human tissues
- Imaging of cleared tissues with light-sheet microscope
- Advantages of DISCO clearing compared to others including CLARITY
- How to optimize your particular tissue of interest and application
- iDISCO antibody labeling of unsectioned organs for 3D imaging
- 3D analysis of the data
- Demo: light-sheet microscopy by Lavision BioTec and Zeiss
- Demo: 3D software by FEI (Amira), Bitplane (Imaris) and MBF (Neurolucida)
EMBO Practical Course Two-Photon Imaging Of Brain Function: From Spiny Dendrites To CircuitS
5 – 12 September 2015
ELSC International School in "In-vivo Intracellular Recordings"
Aug 30 - Sep 11th 2015, in Eilat, Israel
Organisiert durchy:Yosi Yarom (Hebrew University), Ilan Lampl (Weizmann Institute), Mickey London (Hebrew University), Arthur Konnerth (TUM)
Basic proteomics
Juni 30 - Juli 04, 2014
The course “Basic Proteomics” includes a basic introduction into proteomics with a focus on mass spectrometry based techniques. This involves the following topics: Application of proteomics (including analysis of secretomes, whole organs, tissues, cells), Sample preparation, Mass spectrometry based techniques, Data acquisition, analysis and interpretation. The morning sessions provide the theoretical bases. The afternoon sessions consist of hands-on laboratory training covering the topics from the theoretical training. The course provides a basic overview and training of mass spectrometry based proteomics. The students will understand opportunities but also limitations of the presented methods. A basic understanding of MS based proteomics will help the students to collaborate with proteomics groups. Moreover, the course enables the participants to carry out sample preparations by themselves prior to mass spectrometry. Each student will present a scientific paper related to mass spectrometry based proteomics followed by discussions. The papers are chosen by the instructors.
Organisiert durch: Prof. Dr. Stefan Lichtenthaler
SyNergy softskill course “Adobe Illustrator”
Februar 24-25, 2014
This intense workshop for PhD students will enable participants to use the high-end graphics design software, Adobe Illustrator, for the fast and efficient production of publication-quality illustrations (Trainer: Andreas Binder).
Organisiert durch: Tatjana Kleele (TUM), Thomas Misgeld (TUM, SyNergy)
Advanced Techniques in Light Microscopy
Dezember 02-06, 2013
This course focuses on slightly advanced (but not esoteric) techniques of optical microscopy in life sciences - mainly confocal/ two-photon imaging and in vivo applications. For the very basics, the "Basic Microscopy" course that we occasionally offer is more recommended.
We will introduce the concepts and technology behind confocal and two-photon microscopy with a focus on in vivo applications. We will talk about fluorescence, lasers, scanners and detector systems. We will discuss how in vivo imaging is done in different species and what should be considered. Calcium imaging will be discussed in some depth, as this is one of the most widely used modalities of functional in vivo imaging. In the outlook section, we will discuss more "fancy" techniques that are emerging to cover large volumes or transcend the resolution limit. As we are neuroscientists there will be a certain bias to imaging the brain; however, we will try to keep the course general enough so that also non-neuroscientists can benefit.
The techniques that will be taught in this course:
- fluorescence microscopy
- confocal laser-scanning microscopy
- two-photon microscopy
- calcium imaging
Organisiert durch: Prof. Helmuth Adelsberger (TUM), Prof. Thomas Misgeld (TUM)
ELSC International School of "In-vivo Intracellular Recordings"
Juli 28 - August 9, 2013
Organisiert durch: Yosi Yarom (HUJI), Ilan Lampl (WIS), Mickey London (HUIJ), Arthur Konnerth (TUM)